„How did your acquaintance and later the cooperation with the Space Tigers project came about?“
Vanja and Grgur: We met in Graz in 2005, and seven years later, our energy drove us together to a project called Unleashed Bop Force. Shortly afterwards, our accidental meeting at the Berlin Zoo in 2015, in front of a tiger cage in attendance with the awake eye of Jim Beam with us, a new movement emerged that would change the intergalactic space and the time in which the universe itself is located. The same that captain James T. Kirk use to sail. (to boldly goes where no one has gone before)…
„Why the name of Space Tigers?“
Vanja and Grgur: The original name of the band was „Klingonische Dildo Radfahrerin“. Regarding the objection of the assembly of an unknown city from Belgium, and itself warning from Mangela Erkel of Baden Wurtenberg that this name is already in use, the change took place on 17.9.2015. in the famous Tresor Techno Club in Berlin, in front of the gates of the disk jockey counter, when the Tiger appeared to us. For us two…it was the „Tiger from the Universe“.
„Your sound is characteristic because of your original and unique concept that you apply while creating melodic lines. What does this concept mean and what the composing process looks like?“
Vanja and Grgur: The Space Tigers concept is based on the projection of the sound energy coming from unexplored space galaxies. With our compositions, we do not have literally anything. We are in fact only receivers. The universe sends us signals in the form of frequencies that we transform into melodies with our music-acquired senses and music education, and writing it down into the secret tiger book collections that are preserved by Kit Kat monks, the biggest harem of sexual deity, psy-trance and blasphemy.
„It is written on your web site to „feed“ the various music styles that keep the spirit of the band Space Tigers. What are the musical styles?“
Vanja and Grgur: Jazz, Country, Techno, Grunge, Bela Bartok, Punk, Chinese Tiger Polka, Austrian Yodeling, Stravinsky, Janika Balaz Polka Style, Siberian Fist Pop, Himalayan Dub, Japan Reggae, African Salsa, German World War II Techno Rockabilly , Eskimo Death Metal …
„Can you tell us more about your album you have released for the Swiss Unit Records?“
Vanja and Grgur: The album itself is precise as a Swiss watch and tasty like a Swiss puffed cheese that Haidy was bringing daily to her grandfather Almohi in the Alps, which was always hungry.
„What kind of program do you prepare for the audience of yours“
Vanja and Grgur: We are the program which broadcast a virtual matrix, where each of the listener have two choices. Two frequencies, two options. By choosing the blue frequency, the story ends. You have just listened a good performed jazz concert with further belief in what you believe, whether it’s quality or not. If you stay in the Wonderland of the Red Frequency, then you attending the testimony of the very depths of the Tigers Cave. It’s only here that our story begins with Tutankhamun itself, which takes us all to the universe in the form of a triangle
„The slogan of this year’s Belgrade Jazz Festival is „JAZZ VISION“. What are your vision of jazz for the future?“
Vanja and Grgur: „Follow the white rabbit“.